
WikiWall Terms of Service

WikiWall is here to give you an opportunity to set up wikis with your community, as well as to support your freedom of speech. However, please remember that hosting your wiki on is a privilege, not a right. In order to protect the freedom of speech of the whole WikiWall community, action might have to be taken against a few misbehaving members. Hopefully this will never need to be done, but here are some words of advice anyway.

Copyrighted works

Please do not put up any copyrighted works on a wiki unless you have the rights to do so. Creating the work yourself gives you the right to publish it on, as do permissive licenses like the GPL or the various Creative Commons licenses.

If you see a copyrighted work on which you would like to be removed, please contact abuse(at)wikiwall(dot)org. Of course, it is also possible to immediately remove the work from the site by simply editing the wiki. Systematic abusers may be removed from at the owner's sole discretion.

Hate speech

While hate speech is protected under the US constitution, it is not welcome on Remember, hosting your wiki at is a privilege, not a right.


Using a wiki in conjunction with unsollicited bulk email is not allowed. Violations of this policy can lead to removal of the wiki that was spamvertized, at the sole discretion of


Want to complain about content on any of the wikis? Please email abuse(at)wikiwall(dot)org.

Liability disclaimer

Because this service is made available free of charge, comes on an "AS IS" basis, with NO WARRANTY whatsoever with regards to availability, reliability, performance and any other operational issues with the sites.

Since does not screen the content added by its users and anybody can create a user account, disclaims any liability for contents of the sites. If you feel something is hosted on that violates law or the policies outlined above, please email abuse(at)wikiwall(dot)org.

WikiWall: WeaselWords (last edited 2006-09-18 02:50:49 by bree)